
Gibraltar Finance Breakfast in Casablanca, Morocco

30th November 2016

Gibraltar Finance Breakfast in Casablanca, Morocco

Gibraltar Finance hosted a Financial Services Breakfast in Casablanca, Morocco on Wednesday 30th November 2016.

The breakfast was hosted by The Hon Albert Isola MP, Minister for Commerce, who addressed the guests at the Confederation Generale des Entreprises, which is situated at Boulevard Mohamed Abdou, Casablanca. Guests from the Casablanca business community were in attendance.

Minister Isola’s speech covered amongst other things Financial Services in Gibraltar and the economy. There was also an address from two selected private sector representatives in French on more technical subjects.

Minister Isola added “I am particularly keen on exploring avenues where Gibraltar and Moroccan financial services firms can work together in mutually beneficial areas of business. Ours is very much a step forward in beginning to highlight what Gibraltar’s financial services sector has to offer and I am delighted that we are also able to support the Gibraltar Tourist Board.