Minister Feetham visits the Gibraltar International Bank
09 Feb 24
The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon. Nigel Feetham KC MP, recently had the pleasure of visiting the offices of Gibraltar International Bank.
Welcomed by senior management, Minister Feetham was first shown around the Bank’s offices at Europort and spoke to staff based there who provide the Bank’s back-office infrastructure and support as well as the transformation team. The Minister then walked to the Bank’s main office at Ince’s House. Guided by the Bank’s CEO, Peter Horton, Minister Feetham was given a tour of the impressive building and was shown around to each department.
During his visit to both offices, the Minister took the time to individually speak to practically every employee, learning of the work they do and the individual paths that led them to the Bank.
TheMinister also took the opportunity to speak with some the Bank's board members about their plans to expand and continue to grow the services they offer as a bank for the community.
The Minister for Justice, Trade and Industry, the Hon Nigel Feetham KC MP, commented: “Despite my busy schedule, I am very glad to have taken some time to visit the offices of Gibraltar International Bank. Since it first opened its doors in 2015, the Gibraltar International Bank has offered excellent services, and it is clear from my visit that they are incredibly proud to be able to assist their clients as a bank for the community. As part of my ministerial objectives, I took time to individually speak to the employees to better learn about their experiences of working in the Bank. To this end, one of the most encouraging things I learned was their enthusiasm and passion when speaking about the work they do. I was also impressed to see that many of the Bank’s staff had been working there since inception.
“It was also heartening to see such a great diversity of employees. In particular, the Bank employ a significant amount of young people working across all sectors of the Bank. In total, the Bank employs close to 140 people, of which more than 60% are aged between 18 – 34 years old. It is incredibly encouraging to see figures like this and with my recent ministerial initiatives I hope to see even more enthusiastic, young, and local people entering the Financial Sectors in the years ahead.”
The CEO at Gibraltar International Bank, Peter Horton, commented: “We were delighted to welcome Minister Feetham to our office. All of the staff greatly appreciated his engagement and interaction as he toured our office. This represented an excellent opportunity to take the Minister behind the scenes and experience the positive energy of our workforce, built around a common purpose of being the bank for the Community. We thank the Minister for devoting so much of his precious time to the visit and we look forward to working with him and members of his Ministry.”